Meet the owner/CEO:

My name is VaLisa Amor, I am from South Carolina, currently residing in Atlanta, GA. I have always had a passion for fashion. 

It all started when I was 5 years old,  I watched my mother and grandmother create different fashion items on their sewing machines almost everyday. My mom made most of her clothes and my clothes for school, church and certain events. When I turned 10, I asked for a sewing machine for Christmas, I use to create different things with my moms help. As I got older, I lost interest in creating my own fashion items but never lost my passion for fashion. I enjoyed putting different looks together for myself. I would get so many compliments on my outfits which is a good thing but most of the time I never put much thought into my outfits I would literally just throw something together and start my day. Fast forward to 2018, my creative side for fashion started to come back to me. I got tired of going shopping and not finding the look or style of clothing I wanted to wear. I started drawing different clothing items(I’m horrible at drawing by the way) and asked my mom to make them for me. My moms dream was to be a fashion designer but she put all of that on hold when she had my brother and I. I decided to create VaLisa Amor & Co. so my mom and I could accomplish our dreams together by creating fashion for everyone that would boost their confidence at the top tier level.

Although the pandemic had different affects on people, it slowed me down and allowed me to focus, create and execute my vision for fashion. I announced VaLisa Amor & Co. to the world in October of 2020 although it was approved in July 2020. The time, dedication, funds and consistency it takes to start a business and keep it running is far from easy but definitely worth it if it’s something you really want to accomplish. I am forever grateful to God for giving me the passion I have for fashion and also giving me more guidance and wisdom to actually create my vision into VaLisa Amor & Co. I am forever grateful for all of my supporters and customers, without y’all VaLisa Amor & Co. would not be a successful brand. 

Words of Wisdom: I created VaLisa Amor & Co. in the midst of a pandemic: There is always a lesson and a blessing in the midst of a storm. When you are going through rough times always focus on the lesson instead of the actual storm because when you focus on the storm you’ll miss the lesson and the blessing. 

~VaLisa Amor & Co~